It's been extremely cold lately and I just can't bear to workout in the gym all the time. I decided to start mall-walking at a nearby low-traffice mall. Funny thing is, my mall-walking hasn't exactly been free. Oops! Oh, well. It's just not right for a gal (previous shopaholic) with hardly any clothes or shoes to her name be expected to not spend any money while walking the mall. Ha!
Did I ever mention that I ended up giving away about 30 giant trash bags full of clothes? We're talking good stuff too. Quite a few items still had price tags on them. I also gave away about a dozen pairs of shoes that no longer fit.
Anyways, I spotted a cute pair of black peep toe heels on clearance at a department store. They were only 20 bucks! You can hardly get heels at Payless, Target, or Walmart for that price. Now I just need to keep shedding the pounds and find a cute dress to complete the ensemble.

Won't these look stellar with red painted toenails?
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