Thursday, August 27, 2009


I played dress-up by modeling some coats and jackets for my husband, "Bones", today. So many of them were way too big. I am getting rid of about 6 coats and 2 jackets.

Being a pack-rat tends to come in handy sometimes. I have a couple of jackets from Old Navy that now fit. They're my favorites and I'm so happy I can wear them again. I also have a big down coat from the Gap. It always makes me feel like a marshmallow or the Michelin Man. Oh, well! At least I'll be warm this winter..... well, that's unless I out-shrink everything and need to purchase new ones. That's looking very possible at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Jen! You are amazing, and thank you for sharing. I have been reading over your journey and there are so many out there that have no idea how difficult this truly is. I am so proud of you and you are just losing girl - keep it up! How are your "battle wounds?" I had no idea all of this was happening in your life.
    How has your life changed since the surgery?

