The scale has been stuck for several days now so I got my butt outside today for a long walk. The weather was finally nice. It was bright out with little wind and it wasn't too cold. A light jacket kept me plenty warm on my brisk walk.
I've been keeping busy with finishing up a variety of homemade Christmas gifts, the regular household chores, work, and packing. We'll be skipping town soon to visit family for the Holidays and I couldn't be more excited.
I'm a little nervous about seeing my family members. Most of them haven't seen me since I began THIS weight-loss journey. I'm sure they'll all be shocked. Hopefully they'll be shockingly happy for me and not make rude comments. I'm almost bracing myself for someone to say things like.....
"It's about time you lost weight."
"Yea, but are you gonna keep it off?"
"Wow. I've never seen you look so good!"
"Ah, you are pretty."
"Where did this body come from?"
"Are you eating?"
"Oh, honey. Are you not able to afford food?"
"You look too skinny."
"You deserve to splurge during this Holiday Season."
"Do you feel better?"
"How much have you lost?"
"What's your secret?"
"I'm glad you finally figured it out and did something about it."
.... And so on.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes.